Johanna Maska was raised in Galesburg, IL, a town that lost manufacturing, a town that then State Senator Barack Obama spoke about in his 2004 Democratic National Convention Speech. Maska, inspired by that speech, would go on to work with President Obama from 2007 - 2015. Serving as Director of Press Advance, Maska shaped the images the world would see of his campaign and time in the White House.

Before that time, Maska graduated from Galesburg High School and went on to the University of Kansas where she graduated Phi Beta Kappa, with degrees in journalism and history with honors. Maska credits Lawrence, Kansas for her optimism and belief that we together can solve our problems.

Maska was raised in a conservative family with roots in Kansas and often speaks of the need for bridging the construct of the political party divide. Maska was raised as the oldest of three in Galesburg before she found out that her parents, together, had made the difficult decision to give up their first child for adoption in high school. She was 21 years old before she reunited with her long-lost brother.

Maska got her start in politics for Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius and joined the Obama Campaign as one of his early hires in Iowa. Maska served as Press Lead for Election Night in 2008, she quickly transitioned to overseeing press logistics as part of the team working on the Inauguration and was one of the first advance hires for the White House team. Maska remained as part of President Obama's advance team throughout her time with President Obama, and in doing so saw the world in a way a little girl from Galesburg, IL could have only dreamt of.

Maska has spoken fiercely for the rights of women, and for the rights of mothers.

Maska and her husband, Henry C.J. Jackson, welcomed their son Hugh in 2012 while she was planning the NATO Summit in Chicago, the G8 Summit at Camp David, and 7 weeks after delivery she orchestrated President Obama's Live Address to the Nation on the anniversary of Osama Bin Laden's death.

Maska is the Host of the Press Advance Podcast, she’s a frequent media contributor and public speaker.

Johanna Maska believes America's problems can only be solved when we work together finding common cause, and in solving problems not just for America, but for the world.


From Johanna: My goal with this platform is to drive a deeper conversation about American politics. There’s plenty of scorekeeping, poll watching, who is up, who is down analysis as we push toward November. I’ll be following along — but I am also interested in going deeper. Finding out what is triggering our nation’s polarization, what can draw us together, and focusing on what happens next. Where does all of this partisan energy go? How do we drive progress in the greatest country on earth? 

In the coming weeks, I’ll look at the run up to the election, and beyond, from this perspective. With a mix of analysis, conversations, deep dive storytelling — and some irreverence — I’ll bring 20+ years of campaign, communications and political experience to the table for a conversation that respects, empowers, includes.

Please join us on that mission. If you contribute I’ll be most grateful and use these resources wisely. We’re working towards building community and as part of our community we’ll invite you to lives and exclusives.


Email contact@johannamaska.com (515) 344-3937


Email contact@johannamaska.com or (515) 344-3937


Email jm@johannamaska.com

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Hey - I'm glad you're here. I believe in a politics that respects, empowers and includes. I think we can have a different conversation than some leaders choose. Let's depolarize America. Please join me on this mission.


Tired of Polarization in America. | Director Press Advance @ObamaWhiteHouse (2009-2015) @BarackObama campaign alum from Iowa (2007) Most important: Mom | Proud daughter of Galesburg, IL.